We Are Multifaceted
TGI will assist you in every phase of your project including conceptual design, budget planning, bid negotiations, FF&E procurement, project management, and post construction service. With our nationwide network of vendors, suppliers, and partners, TGI can help accommodate tight production schedules, maintain stringent guidelines and value engineer your project optimize your investment. Building a better world one project at a time, building on our past, looking forward, building for the future today. We believe the final product is only as good as the workman, materials, and products used throughout the construction process. We work with our clients to select the right balance of materials, products, and finish to achieve excellence and detailed craftsmanship typically not found in commercial construction, while maintaining their budgets and realizing critical project goals. We invite you to contact us today to find out how Trinity Group International Inc. can help make your next design, construction, or renovation project a success!